Wednesday, September 30, 2009

sound barrier




Learn for?

High School

It’s hazy and foggy. The rain and condensation upon the windows almost captures the atmosphere of the classroom. Each student’s face is masked with daze as our teacher displays a profound lack of leadership. I do not like it here. I do not like being confined to a lesson plan while the world outside is just waiting to be pursued. The entire universe is changing rapidly with the exception of this classroom. Day in and day out it is the same thing. Day in and day out I'm imprisoned and acutely aware of my inability to fit in with the rest of the inmates. Do I even want to fit in? I feel the moment I begin to fit in is the moment I regress. My peers, however, do sometimes make me feel as though I'm at fault for wanting something better. One day, though, I will be known for my extraordinary contributions and my peers will understand why I was so different. But for now, it's procedures and multiple-choice. Nothing is innovative, nothing is going to change the world, and nothing is going to revolutionize our society. It is ironic and sad that this place is designed for learning. We are not taught how to put thought into action nor are we taught how to apply the concepts we have memorized. All we hope for is to remember what bubble to fill in come Friday’s test. I do not waste my time studying the formula for triangles divided by squares. No, I study my teacher's mannerisms as the spit accumulates to the left corner of his mouth and I begin wonder how I can turn this into a prose poem.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009



狀況大都會到汽車百貨或是大賣場購買雨刷更換,便宜的1支60幾元貴的1組500元左右, 約3-6個月會換1組,現在只要合夥花10元就可以用4年以上。
step02:我們只需用到約2支手指頭範圍的水砂紙而已 。
step03:先將雨刷拆下,用水砂紙沾濕在水中或沾濕雨刷將雨刷片來回磨4-5次,再用水沖乾淨後裝回雨刷,測試 是否刷的夠不夠乾淨,! 不! 夠的話再來1次。

Sunday, September 20, 2009




Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Dr. H works in a very small town as a doctor for all. He is it so he really does all.

One day, a thief got in his house and trying to steal things. Thief tripped and fell then broke his leg. Thief was laying on the floor in pain and the noise work H. He came downstairs...

What should H do?

He chose to fix the thief's leg. After few hours of operation, the leg was covered with a cast.

What did he do?

He called police to take this man away.


A while later, his old wife knocked on the door. (She ran away with a lover few months ago and really hurt H) Her boyfriend got hit by a car and needs urgent care. The patient was brought in...

What should he do?

He worked on the patient. There are three choices:

1. Really heal the wound,
2. Make sure the patient becomes a limp,
3. Make sure the patient become paralyzed.

He did #1.


Few months later, Japanese invaded China. A major general was shot in the chest and needed surgery. This general was the best Japanese warier and it was known to the world.

What should he do? Should he operate on the general?

He appeared at the operating table, stuck his best knife deeply into the chest of the general.....


Cultural Revolution

It seems many students are not learning things they can use in life or work. They are asked to spend much of their time to prepare for tests. (I heard St. John's College does not give out tests and grades. Students just study, learn and graduate. What a concept!!! I wish I went there.)

I told many students about Chinese cultural revolution. People did not need to go to school. They did not work. They did nothing....

Students did not believe that. That is too much fun and unthinkable. Many asked when the next revolution will be here.

Old man and monkies

An old man grows corn. One year, monkeys showed up. They ate the corns and took more. Old man did harvest some but made sure to buy a gun at the end of the year.

The following year was the same thing. Monkeys came and starting to get to the grown corn. Old man held the gun and was ready to shoot. The monkeys looked funny, they liked up at the field but were not eating. Old man came closer and waited. A wolf slowly walked out and he was ready to kill a monkey. The wolf grabbed the leader since the leader was the largest.

Wolf was not eating the leader yet. He bit the tail of the leader to cause pain. He tore bunches of hair off the leader to cause more pain.

Old man was happy to see that something is revenging for him.

The leader was not really hurt but was crying due to the pain. The old man slowly raised his gun, aimed and shot.

Guess who he shot?

Old man shot the wolf. Monkeys left. Old man harvested corn.


Next year came, monkeys showed up during harvest. Old man started picking corn off stalk. He heard the monkeys picking corn at the same time. He somehow regretted that he did not shoot the monkeys. To his surprise, the monkeys picked corn, stacked corn up neatly, and left.

This went on for few years. Old man and monkeys became good friends.

One year, wolves came and was about to attack old man. There were so many wolves that the old man was just about to be torn apart.

All of a sudden, monkeys showed up. The monkeys started fighting wolves. Old man was able to run back to his house and shut the door. (whew)

The next day, he went out to the field.

Guess what he saw?

Bones of the monkeys. Monkeys are no match for wolves. :(


1. Involve all members of the school community.
2. Clarify exactly what bullying is; build your definition.
3. Gain agreement that it is an unacceptable behaviour.
4. Develop clear guidelines on individual responsibility.
5. Expect consistent responses to all known cases.
6. Identify/monitor areas/times pupils identify as being unsafe.
7. Support victims of bullying.
8. Change bullying behaviours.
9. Help bully victims develop appropriate behaviours.
10. Maintaining a safe school is everyone’s responsibility.