Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cancer and animal protein

Rats usually live about two years.

Rats fed with 20%* milk protein (Casein): 100% of them were dead or almost dead suffering from liver tumor at two years.(Pg. 61 of the book below).

Rats fed with 5%* milk protein (Casein): 100% of them were still lively after two years.(Pg. 61 of the book below).

Rats fed with 20% casein with tumor growing (foci, pg. 54 of the book) showed huge decrease of tumor when protein intake is dropped drastically.(pg. 56 of the book)

Protein from soy or wheat did not cause tumor at 20%.

* RDA of protein is 12% by US government.

Book name: China Study by Dr. Campbell:

Friday, October 24, 2008


老鼠大约活两年左右。假如食物中有 20%* 动物蛋白质 (Casein from milk), 两年後 100% 不是已经死于肝肿瘤就是快死了.(书中第 61 页)

假如食物中只有 5%* 蛋白质, 老鼠过了两年还是活得很好.

假如食物中有 20%* 植物蛋白质如大豆或麦的制品,肿瘤(foci, 书中第 54 页)倒是很少生长. (书中第 60 页)

假如长了肿瘤马上停止吃动物蛋白质, 肿瘤就很快的不见了.(书中第 56 页)

* 12% 蛋白质是美国政府建议每日吃的量(RDA).

摘录自 "China Study". 作者: Campbell.


人生吧, 0 歲出場, 10 歲快樂成長; 20 為情彷徨; 30 基本定向; 40 拼命打闖; 50 回頭望望; 60 告老還鄉; 70 搓搓麻將; 80 曬曬太陽; 90 躺在床上; 100 掛在牆上... 生的偉大,死得淒涼!能牽手的時候,請別只是 肩並肩,能擁抱的時候,請別只是手牽手,能在一起的時候,請別輕易分開! 這周是世界好友周,如果你願意,請把這條信息發給你所有的好朋友。

當大部分人都在關注你飛得高不高時,只有少部分人關心你飛得累不累 -- 這就是友情,再忙也要照顧好自己 ,朋友雖不常聯系卻一直惦念!世界好友周快樂! 08 新概念一個中心: 一切以健康為中心 。 兩個基本點: 遇事瀟灑一點,看事糊涂一點。三個忘記:忘記年齡,忘記過去,忘記恩怨。四個擁有: 無論你有多弱或多強,一定要擁有真正愛你的人,擁有知心朋友,擁有向上的事業,擁有溫暖的住所。 五個要: 要唱,要跳,要俏,要笑,要苗條。 六個不能: 不能餓了纔吃,不能渴了纔喝 , 不能困了纔睡,不能累了纔歇,不能病了纔檢查,不能老了再後悔 !

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Math Rushing

One hundred twenty thousand students are misplaced in their eighth-grade math classes.

They have not been prepared to learn themathematics that they are expected to learn.
This unfortunate situation arose from good intentions and the worthy objective of raising
expectations for all American students.

Two groups of students pay a price. The misplaced eighth graders waste a year of mathematics,
lost in a curriculum of advanced math when they have not yet learned elementary
arithmetic. They should be taught whole number and fraction arithmetic so that
they can then move on to successfully learn advanced mathematics.

Their classmates also lose—students who are good at math and ready for algebra.
These well-prepared but ill-served students also tend to be black and Hispanic and to
come from low socioeconomic backgrounds.

Teachers report that classes of students with widely diverse mathematics preparation
impede effective teaching, that too many students arrive in algebra classes unmotivated
to learn, and that they wish that elementary schools gave greater emphasis to basic skills
and concepts in math. When algebra teachers have to depart from the curriculum to
teach arithmetic, the students who already know arithmetic and are ready for algebra are
the losers.