Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Parents usually love their babies since babies are so cute. As babies grow, babies start having own thoughts and ways of doing things. Some parents start worrying and become control-freaks.

Many parents do not understand their children but are telling children what to do. This causes problems. Parents need to observe and offer appropriate assistance. (also mentioned in "The Road Less Traveled")

"High-Pressure" parenting will always create problematic children.(now or later)

Simply speaking, there are two parts of a child. The life with characters, then the body that learns. The first part is most important, like the foundation of a good house.

Children should not be learning math or other subjects prior to 6 years old. They should be allowed to play and get a feel of the world, friends, surroundings, and what they are good for.

All learning should be somehow related to life (to avoid being boring).

Parents should allow children learn from making mistakes. We should realize that we all make mistakes everyday.

It seems to me parents who know education and are involved should yield good students. Parents know nothing about education and are not involved might do fine with children because children are left alone to learn. Parents who know nothing about education but get too involved with children will make bad students.

April 20th , 1999 (420寧夏擊警案) occurred and suspects came from strict families with frequent physical and mental punishment. Physical punishment will cause many problems later on.

There is creativity in all people, a good teacher can make it work and show. Let's say we are teaching young children how to draw. If we start teaching right away, they will "learn" our way and "creativity is suppressed". For example, if children as asked to draw fish, the pictures are all different. If I show them what a fish looks like, all fish drawn by these children will be similar. (Creativity destroyed)

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