The retreat house was near Potomac River in the woods and was beautiful. We got there an hour late and parents already had snacks and drinks ready for us (thanks).
First speaker was Lisa Bard ( at around 4:35. You can read the details by following the link and read her long bio. She gave gifts such as pins, star fish...
Mrs. Sandy Myers spoke next with a powerpoint presentation. She is the older sister of Nicole Lee.( She said that young folks need 9 hours each night to sleep. Many of them do not get that. 30% driving fatalities are due to drowsy driving (More than caused by text msgg). Some resources memtioned or found:,
After a pizza dinner, we "heard" from Sheila Deriso, R.N. of Montgomery General. She gave a lot of practical but "in-depth" information about drinking. Major items are, "Off-switch, Perception, Coordination, and Protective Reflex". Many tools and skills were shown. A very powerful speech with humor.
Keri Roth then spoke about her experience with her brother;s accident and her journey since the tragedy. She was really crying and the entire experience was moving. (9:30 p.m.)
Only students stayed with a program of some kind.
Students started writing their speeches. Adults helped correcting some. A 11, we moved to an area next to one of the dorms. Students finished and 16 of them rehearsed their speeches. Very good work. We went to bed after 12 while rain started.
We arrived school at 7:20 in the rain on May 1. Folks rehearsed and our program started at 9:20 or so.
Booklet(By Mrs. Harvey):
Mr. Evans opened the program with his remarks.
Ms. Jenny Foster gave her directions.
MHS every 15 minutes video was played.
Dan McCoy gave an excellent speech on his own experience and the consequences.
Megan Griffin, Kristen Barnett, Joseph Gonzalez, Blythe Dellinger, Alison Iovino, ... gave excellent speeches. Audience received well.
Laytonsville Fire Chief Stanley Sutton gave a very short speech and encouraged students to help one another with good choices.
MCPD Traffic Division Director Ron Smith spoke about consequences given by police.
Allie Huffman, Christine Cook, Brian Borst, Bethany Lemanski, Cynthis Perez, Casey Davis gave great speeches.(I forgot 1 or 2 names, pls correct me)
Sober Pledge was excuted and it went well.
Reception afterwards went well.
Thanks to all who helped especially Mrs. Winters and Foster.
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