Thursday, November 20, 2008


Mom and Uncle1 were closest. She told me many things about him.

When he was young, he liked to tell stories he read to workers. His nickname was "張大白話"

He went to 惠文中学, He was very good with soccer and was a good leader. Team used to play other schools and win. After that, he took the entire team to a restaurant and stuck the school with bill.

They used to have a maid Liu who will make shoes for them by hand. Uncle1 was too active for the shoes to last. A pair of hand-made shoes might last one day.

Some Chinese people used to smoke opium and so did his father. One day uncle1 came home and threw away all the opium and equipment. He learned that that was out-lawed.

Uncle1 was in the airforce as a navigator.

Uncle was not careful with his relationship with women. I am not sure that it was good for him in the long run.

When mom's dad was in jail for a year or two, mom's mom was having an affair with someone renting a room at their house. They both knew the secret but never said anything.

When uncle1 worked in Osaka, his children were first there then left for the US. Mom said that he really missed the kids and cried a lot.

In the early 1960s', he was still in the service but he was in Taipei a lot. He was riding a Vespa motorcycle. He would take me and my older brother for a ride up to the mountain with tombs.

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