Monday, January 3, 2011


My schedule was 10:20 am 1/3/2011.

7 days before, I stopped eating nuts, seeds, tomato, grapes,corn, popcorn, and iron supplements. They will clog up the probe.

2 days before, I stopped all solid foods and colored drinks. I drank 7-up and water. It was fine. At 6 pm, I took 3 Dulcolax tablets. Went to bathroom after 9 hours.

The day before, I mixed Gravilyte powder and a small packet of lemonade into 4 liters. I kept it at about 45F and started drinking it at 4:30. I finished half after 2.5 hours. Not too bad. I took 4 Simethicone tablets right after that. After that, went to bath room 3 times and cleaned out most of stuff.

At 3 am, I started drinking the second half. I quit at 6:20 since my appointment is at 10:20 with 16 oz. leftover. Went to bathroom 3 more time.

Driven over and changed. After a few minutes, I was in. Nurses were very nice and provide heated blankets. I was cold with 97.4F. Sedated and ready.

The Dr was rough; he stuck the thing right into it without being careful. I was able to see the procedure on the screen. They found two polyps and took them down; I was told more info will follow. Found internal hemorrhoids also.

They did stomach check also, Gastritis and Hiatal hernia was found so I need to be careful.

1/06/2011. Dr. called and prescribed three antibiotics for PYLORI bacteria in stomach. I do not want to take medicine; googled articles also mentioned that some strands of pylori are resistant to antibiotics.

Searched for remedies: brocoli, brocoli sprouts, pinenut oil, virgin coconut oil. Apple Cider Vinegar(ACV). Some even say a little bit Pylori in tummy is good to regulate acidity. I started on brocoli three days ago, 1 oz. in the morning before any food.

4/11/2011. Few weeks after exam, there was more acid reflux than usual. It is all gone now. Did the checking process damage anything?